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In our modern world, or in any world, hearing someone scream “run” might not be the most pleasant sound to the ears. However, I am here to convince you of the pure joys of running, and if you read more you might actually learn to love hearing that wonderful three letter word.

What do people actually see in running? I can promise you it is more than just the physical health benefits. Let’s dive very cautiously  into the mind of Jane to see a bit better what all this running business is all about. First, it is a major stress reliever and the best way to clear your mind. Second, it takes no supplies or expensive equipment. You technically don’t even need shoes! (I’m serious… barefoot running is a thing… look it up) and finally, for the sake of finishing this homework assignment, (although I could talk about this all day) you can see visible progress as you begin to run faster and for longer amounts of times. The dopamine this brings to my brain is what fuels me to go further and run more. It is a glorious addiction.

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